Upcoming Events

Workshop: Housing Affordability - Arlington Heights
The availability of affordable housing is a critical issue. In fact, hard working individuals and couples such as school teachers, police officers, and health care workers are no longer able to afford rent/mortgages in Arlington Heights. Why are we in this situation, and what can we do about it? Please join Northwest Alliance for Housing Affordability (NAHA) for a public workshop on the importance of affordable housing in Arlington Heights and our surrounding communities.

Palatine Township Blood Drive
Every donor will save up to 3 lives!
Appointments preferred: Walk-ins are welcome.

Create-A-Bill Contest
Are you passionate about the issues of the day?
Do you have an idea for a new law?
Share your idea for new legislation in our Create-A-Bill Contest.
Who: High School Students residing in the 54th District.
What: Submit a written explanation of your bill idea by mail to 12 E Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights, IL 60004, email info.repmbc@gmail.com, or fill out the Google Form.
When: Submissions will be accepted from November 20th to December 20th.
Prize: Winner will get to be Rep. Canty’s Page for a Day in Springfield.

Create-A-Bill Contest
Are you passionate about the issues of the day?
Do you have an idea for a new law?
Share your idea for new legislation in our Create-A-Bill Contest.
Who: High School Students residing in the 54th District.
What: Submit a written explanation of your bill idea by mail to 12 E Northwest Hwy. Arlington Heights, IL 60004, email info.repmbc@gmail.com, or fill out the Google Form.
When: Submissions will be accepted from November 20th to December 20th.
Prize: Winner will get to be Rep. Canty’s Page for a Day in Springfield.
Office Hours with IDFPR
Are you experiencing application delays or need assistance applying for or renewing your professional license through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation?
Come out to the Arlington Heights Memorial Library in November and work directly with IDFPR to resolve the issue.
My office will also be there with Rep. Grasse’s office and Sen. Walker’s office if you need help navigating another state agency.
To Register for the event, sign up here: tinyurl.com/CantyGrasseWalkerIDFPR
Location: Arlington Heights Memorial Library | 500 N Dunton Ave Arlington Heights, IL 60004

The John Lewis Youth Leadership Award
The National Association of Secretaries of State created the John Lewis Youth Leadership Award in honor of the late Congressman and Civil Rights hero John Lewis. The award is given to those who demostrate a committment to social justice, empathy, the courage to confront challenges, and work to support civil and human rights. Any member of the public can nominate a young person for this award.
Applying for the Award
Nominator Form: The Nominator Form must be completed by an adult who can speak with knowledge regarding the nominee’s social justice work.
Nominee Form: The nominee must complete the Nominee Form, explaining in their own words the social justice work they have conducted.
Exhibits: At least two and up to 10 exhibits must be attached to showcase the nominee’s social justice work. Exhibits can include photos, posters, data analytics, support letters and any other material substantiating the nominee’s work.
Nomination Forms & Guidelines for the 2024 award process can be found at www.ilsos.gov/JohnLewisAward
The nominee must be an Illinois resident between the ages of 18 and 25.
The nominee must complete the Nominee Form, explaining in their own words the social justice work they have conducted.
The winner will be announced at a ceremony hosted by Secretary Giannoulias in December.
Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, at 5 p.m.
All applications, including both forms and exhibits, must be submitted electronically to jlyouthaward@ilsos.gov.

Prospect Heights Arts Showcase
The Prospect Heights Park District is hosting their annual Arts Showcase at the Gary Morava Recreation Center this November. The showcase will feature a craft fair, competition dance team performances, a silent auction, and a Kids Holiday Shopping Boutique. This is a great opportunity to get your holiday shopping started and participate in all the great activities that our communities have to offer. For more information, go to the Prospect Heights Park District website here: https://phparks.org/mc-events/prospect-heights-arts-showcase/
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center | 110 W. Camp McDonald Road Prospect Heights, IL
Open to All Ages | Free of Charge

Chat with Canty
Join me for a cup of hot cider and a sweet treat and share your thoughts about issues that matter most to you. We host a Chat with Canty once a month either in our office or in the district and I always look forward to meeting and talking with constituents about the issues.
Location: IL 54 District Office | 12 E Northwest Highway Arlington Heights, IL 60004

National Drug Take Back Day
Commissioner Mariyana Spyropoulos and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago are hosting a National Drug Take Back Day at the Terrence J. O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant in Skokie. There will be a Drug Take Back box at each Water Reclamation Plant where you can dispose of your out-of-date medication, but you can learn more here: https://mwrd.org/community-action/medication-disposal.
You can also find other drop-off locations here: https://www.cookcountysheriffil.gov/departments/community-relations/community-programs/rx/partners/
Location: O’Brien Water Reclamation Plant | 3500 Howard Street, Skokie, IL

Business Development Roadshow
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and State Rep. Michelle Mussman’s office has organized a Business Development Roadshow. Sign up and you will be able to learn about the latest State programs, resources, and initiatives available to support economic development.
See you there!
Sign-Up Here: http://bit.ly/DCEO_10_23
Location: Harper Community College Room W-214 | 1200 W Algonquin Rd Palatine, IL 60067

Remote Office Hours @ Arlington Ridge Center
My staff will be at the Arlington Ridge Center (ARC) to greet constituents, discuss issues, and help in any way that they can. My office will be joined by a representative from the Secretary of State’s Office. If you need help navigating a state agency, then come down to the ARC on October 22nd.
Location: Arlington Ridge Center | 660 N Ridge Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Understanding Creates Hope
Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton and Holy Family Catholic Community of Inverness are screening the film "Refuge," followed by a panel discussion with faith leaders on accepting "strangers" into our community.
The film, executive produced by Katie Couric, tells the story of Chris, a husband, father and veteran, and until recently, a leader in the KKK. He started hating Muslims when the planes hit the Twin Towers, but is forced to confront his hate when he receives a text from a Muslim refugee, Heval.
Location: Holy Family Catholic Community | 2515 W Palatine Rd, Inverness, IL 60067

Mobile Healthcare Day
My office is working with the Village of Arlington Heights and the Illinois Department of Public Health to put together a Mobile Healthcare Day. We will be offering blood-pressure tests, diabetes screenings, and information on where you can get your annual flu vaccine.
You do not need insurance to enjoy these free services.
If you are concerned about your health, come down the Arlington Heights Memorial Library.
Location: Arlington Heights Memorial Library | 500 N Dunton Ave Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Chat with Canty
Join me for a cup of hot cider and a sweet treat and share your thoughts about issues that matter most to you. We host a Chat with Canty once a month either in our office or in the district and I always look forward to meeting and talking with constituents about the issues.
Location: IL 54 District Office | 12 E Northwest Highway Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Remote Office Hours @ Palatine Library District
My staff will be at the Palatine Library to greet constituents, discuss issues, and help in any way that they can. If you need help navigating a state agency, then come down to the Palatine Library.
Location: Palatine Library District | 700 N North Ct, Palatine, IL 60067

Prescription Drug Affordability Town Hall
Rep. Nabeela Syed and I join Citizen Action Illinois to discuss prescription drug costs and what we can do on a state level to meet that challenge. Registration is not required, but encouraged.
Location: Palatine Library District | 700 N North Court Palatine, IL 60067

Remote Office Hours @ Mount Prospect Public Library
My staff will be at the Mount Prospect Public Library to greet constituents, discuss issues, and help in any way that they can. If you need help navigating a state agency, then come down to the Mount Prospect Public Library.
Location: Mount Prospect Public Library | 10 S Emerson St, Mt Prospect, IL 60056

Early Childhood Town Hall
State Representative Mary Beth Canty will be hosting a legislative town hall at the Buffalo Grove Park District's Community Arts Center on September 19th. The town hall will focus on the subject of Early Childhood and the services, programs, and opportunities currently available as well as the changes coming with the creation of the new IL Department of Early Childhood. Rep. Canty will be joined by a panel of representatives from The Early Childhood Developmental Enrichment Center (ECDEC), Birth to Five, and Start Early to answer your questions.
Location: Buffalo Grove Community Arts Center | 225 McHenry Road Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Chat with Canty
Join me for a cup of hot cider and a sweet treat and share your thoughts about issues that matter most to you. We host a Chat with Canty once a month either in our office or in the district and I always look forward to meeting and talking with constituents about the issues.
Location: IL 54 District Office: 12 E Northwest Highway Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Chat with Canty
Join me for a sweet treat and share your thoughts about issues that matter most to you. We host a Chat with Canty once a month either in our office or in the district and I always look forward to meeting and talking with constituents about the issues.
Our Summer Park Hunt has ended and participants have chosen their favorite park this summer - Happiness Park.
Park Hunt prizes will be distributed and La Michoacana (Palatine) will be on site with their ice cream cart!
La Michoacana | Happiness Park ~ 2208 N. Verde Dr. Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Remote Office Hours @ Arlington Heights Memorial Library
My staff will be at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library for the Help with Government Day and to greet constituents, discuss issues, and help in any way that they can. If you need help navigating a state agency, then come down to the Arlington Heights Memorial Library.
Location: Arlington Heights Memorial Library | 500 N Dunton Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Remote Office Hours @ American Job Center
My staff will be at the American Job Center in Wheeling to greet constituents, discuss issues, and help in any way that they can. If you need help navigating a state agency, then come down to the American Job Center. My staff will be joined by Rep. Tracy Katz Muhl’s team and a representative from the IL State Treasurer’s office.
Location: American Job Center | 1400 S Wolf Rd Building 200, Suite 200, Wheeling, IL 60090

Summer Park Hunt Ends (6/17 - 8/16)
Are you ready for Rep. Canty's 2024 Summer Park Hunt?
June 17th - August 16th
Grab your Passport and start visiting our local parks. Set aside some time throughout the summer to turn off your screens and get outside to play on the playground, have a picnic, or take a nature walk at each stop on the park hunt!
Print your passport template and follow the instructions included to create your personal passport. Follow the map and visit all the parks. When you arrive at each one, find our QR code, scan it on your phone, and write the answer to the question in your passport. When it's completed, bring it to our office at 12 E. Northwest Hwy in Arlington Heights. You have until August 16th!
Don't forget to answer the bonus question! We will host our August 27th event, Chat with Canty, at the winning park. Join us on this date to meet Rep. Canty and have some ice cream!
Still have questions? Call our office at 224-248-8187 or email us at info.repmbc@gmail.com