Illinois State Representative Mary Beth Canty

Serving the 54th District of Illinois

About State Representative Mary Beth Canty

Elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 2022, Mary Beth Canty represents the 54th District of Illinois, which includes Arlington Heights, Palatine, and Prospect Heights, and portions of Buffalo Grove, Mt. Prospect, and Wheeling.

Canty is an attorney, specializing in insurance coverage and construction liability. She was elected to the Arlington Heights Village Board of Trustees in 2019. In 2020, she was appointed…

Museum Card

Free General Admission for Constituents of State Rep. Mary Beth Canty, 54th District.

  • Adler Planetarium

  • Art Institute of Chicago

  • Brookfield Zoo

  • Chicago Botanic Garden

  • Chicago Children’s Museum

Please Request the Card at least 14 Days in Advance.

  • Chicago Academy of Science/ Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum

  • Chicago History Museum

  • DuSable Black History Museum

  • Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

  • Lincoln Park Zoo

  • Museum of Contemporary Art

  • Museum of Science & Industry

  • National Museum of Mexican Art

  • National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture

  • Shedd Aquarium

Each month we host a seasonal Chat with Canty. For March, join us for coffee and sweet treats at our office!

March 10th, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

12 E Northwest Hwy.

Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Sign up for our Newsletter

March Donation Drive

Each month my office works with a different local organization to collect items to donate to folks who need them. Be sure to check them out HERE! If you would like to donate in person at our district office, come by between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM.

Thank you to everyone who donates!

Scholarship Opportunities

  • The State of Illinois provides an education scholarship for the dependents of veterans who are either Missing In Action, a Prisoner of War, died while on active duty, or were disabled due to service.

    An eligible dependent is entitled to full payment of tuition and mandatory fees to any Illinois state supported college or university for a period equivalent to 4 years of enrollment, including summer terms.

    ~Apply Here

  • This is an essay contest put on by the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois.

    ~Eligible: Resident of Cook County and intend to study in a field of natural science.

    ~Deadline: Rolling

    ~Apply Here

  • The WTS Foundation awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in transportation, emphasizing the role of women and girls in the transportation field.


    • Applicant must be a high school senior attending school in the Chicagoland area.

    • GPA of 3.0 or higher.

    • Currently studying math, science, and technology.

    • Considering a career in a transportation-related field.

    Award: $1,000

    Deadline: Will open again later this year.

    Apply Here

  • The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Foundation (ILBCF) is offering educational scholarship opportunities to high school seniors and undergraduate students who will continue their education at a two or four-year institution in Fall 2025.


    • Applicant must be a high school senior or undergraduate student who will continue their education at a two or four-year institution in Fall 2025.

    • GPA of 3.0 or higher.

    • Currently studying math, science, and technology.

    • Considering a career in a transportation-related field.

    Award: $1,000

    Deadline: May 31, 2025

    Apply Here

State Rep. Canty wants to hear from you!

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